Drug Addiction in Olympia, WA

Drug addiction is a disease that affects men and women who use drugs for prolonged periods. Drug use often begins as a recreational or social outlet, but addiction quickly takes over. The behaviors associated with drug addiction destroy lives and relationships, but the professionals at Royal Life Centers are here to help you overcome the effects and regain control.

What Is the Difference between Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction?

Most people understand drug abuse and drug addiction to be the same condition, but in the addiction treatment and medical communities, there are differences. People who abuse drugs may be able to manage some aspects of their lives even though they chronically use drugs. Drug addicts, though, have lost all control over their use and lives.

People who abuse drugs may often function in society and hide their problem well, but signs of abuse can always break through. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Decreased or low performance in school or at work
  • Continuous drug-related legal problems
  • Changes in appearance
  • Frequently being hung-over
  • Money problems
  • Changes in or difficulties with friendships and family relationships
  • Withdrawing from friends, families and other social systems
  • Personality or behavior changes

Signs of Drug Addiction

People living with drug addiction may:

  • Increased sense of perception, especially taste, sight and hearing
  • Red eyes, problems with coordination or memory loss
  • Using drugs to deal with problems
  • Feeling that drugs are needed frequently, or inability to stop using
  • Having a supply of drugs or constantly seeking drugs

How Much Does Treatment for Drug Addiction Cost?

The treatment programs at Royal Life Centers are designed to be affordable and effective. Most insurance companies cover a portion of the cost for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, including treatment for drug addiction. You may be responsible for part or all of your treatment. Because your recovery and quality of life are the highest priority, we provide you with the best possible treatment based on your individual needs, regardless of your ability to pay.

Our treatment centers empower you to transform your life through proven therapies that support your long-term sobriety. As a first step, our staff works with you one-on-one to learn about the unique challenges that you face in recovery.

Through an understanding of your individual needs, we provide you with many opportunities to build a strong foundation of knowledge and inner strength to stay clean. Royal Life Centers staff remains a partner in your recovery from early rehabilitation to long-term sobriety.

Royal Life Centers Addiction Treatment

Royal Life Centers Can Help You Take Your Life Back.

We Accept Most Major Insurance Providers.